If you're going to try out just one new author this year, pick this one!

"Without the bakery, without Mani, I was a dandelion seed in the wind, subject to the currents of fate."
Solina is out on a mission, trying to figure out how and why her brother was murdered. Of the two, Mani was the "wild one", following his dreams and desires. Solina followed the path directed by others. On her own, a long way from home, she has a hard time figuring out who she really is, who she can trust, and how all that is happening fits in the big picture.
Mystery, myhtology, paranormal and just a little pinch of romance - perfect! And, of course, just to make it better: the occasional snarky reply -
"Gathering information from this bunch was like prying a dinosaur fossil from the ground with a toothpick."
Often, when it comes to debut novels, the author hits some bumps and holes along the way. This however, is about as good as it gets. I loved it! I need the next book. Like, now.
I recieved a free copy of the book courtesy of Red Adept Publishing and the author via NetGalley, in exhange for an honest review.